Interesting things with DatabaseCleaner & Rspec

  DatabaseCleaner and Materialized Views We’ve been using DatabaseCleaner for a long time.  So, the past couple of days I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why data wasn’t getting cleaned up between tests for one specific Rspec test, like it does for otherw. Finally it occurred to me that […]

On self-confidence, and self-criticism

I came across an article this week, titled “The Trouble with Bright Girls” by Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D This may be the first thing I’ve ever read on self-confidence and self-criticism that makes sense to me. I know I’m good at self-criticism. I know I lack self-confidence at times. But, I never really knew why. So […]

CodeMash 2011

Following CodeMash ’11, I’m still here at the Kalahari. Today was spent winding down from CodeMash w/ some nice water park activities this afternoon followed by a very long & much-needed nap. Weird but cool: CodeMash ’08 inspired me to start a tech blog. My first post was on 1/19/08.  My blog’s busiest day (162 […]